
Wednesday, 9 January 2013

For all the youth : How to Fix a Relationship With Your Girlfriend Read more: How to Fix a Relationship With Your Girlfriend


    • 1
      Identify the major problems in your relationship. Some relationships turn sour due to a specific action, such as the break in trust that comes with cheating. Others simply drift apart due to lack of communication. Before you can start to fix your relationship with your girlfriend, you need to determine where things are going wrong.
    • 2
      Open the lines of communication. Let your girlfriend know that you want to work things out and you are willing to talk about your problems. Take the first step and share your feelings about the relationship and where you hope it can go. Let her know that you want her to do the same. Listen to her. Remember one of the most important parts of communication is listening.
    • 3
      Eliminate negative speech patterns. Couples often use language that comes off as accusatory. Get rid of the blame. Instead, focus on sharing your feelings. Instead of complaining that "she's never around," tell her that you "feel lonely" when you don't get to see her often.
    • 4
      Recognize your emotional vulnerability. Most people have a need to feel loved and wanted. You don't need to feel ashamed about this.
    • 5
      Fix yourself to fix your relationship. It's easy to place blame on the other person in the relationship. Stop thinking about the ways that she should change to make the relationship better and start thinking about the ways that you can change. For example, you can start making more time for her, volunteer to do the dishes or help with other household chores; take an interest in her hobbies. These little things can make a big difference.

Monday, 7 January 2013

The Effects of Unemployment Among Youth in the Society of South Africans Read more: The Effects of Unemployment Among Youth in the Society of South Africans



  • Wherever there is unemployment, crime is almost certain to follow. This is referred to as the poverty cycle, where people with no jobs and no potential for employment turn to illegal methods to gain money and to survive. According to the South African Police Service, 2010 was the first year the annual murder rate in the country fell below 17,000 since the end of apartheid. This figure demonstrates the huge problems South Africa has with gang-related and organized crime. This is an economic problem as it is expensive to solve the problem and clean up the mess left behind by criminals.


  • A major issue facing South Africa is the bad reputation it has received from tourists because of the high crime rate. In the buildup to the 2010 World Cup, hosted in South Africa, soccer fans traveling to the country were warned about the threats they would face from hijackings, muggings and more serious crime. Many countries, like South Africa, rely on tourism to bring in foreign money, and if this reputation of violence continues, a drop of in tourism is inevitable.


  • Although there is a welfare state in South Africa, aimed at helping the poor and unemployed survive and find work, it is not up to an American standard. The major problem with regard to cost in this area is getting younger people into work. Not only do jobs need to be created, through infrastructure investment, but the education system also needs to be improved to ensure there are people in the country capable of performing these jobs.


  • Youth unemployment in South Africa has been a long-running problem. During the 1970s and 1980s, a lot of this was attributed to dissolution with a government oppressing black people in the country. The problem here is that since the end of apartheid, the statistics have not improved. In 2004, 10 years after the end of apartheid, 70 percent of the unemployed in South Africa were in the 15 to 34 age bracket. This shows the economic problem here is not the legacy of racism, but something more fundamental in the education and labor markets.


  • The greatest threats to the youth of South Africa are HIV, AIDS and teenage pregnancy. This is not only an expensive problem in terms of public services, but an economic problem as the country struggles to keep young people in the labor market to begin with.

Failed Generation

  • The most shocking thing for people looking at the situation in South Africa is the failings of the promises that came with the end of apartheid and the election of Nelson Mandela. The situation for the youth in South Africa in terms of education and employment have not improved as much as had been hoped. This has created a huge economic gap, which an end to institutional racism was supposed to stop.

Home-One of the source of youth problems

The number one source of youth’s problems is the home. Where there ought to be security, love, provision, guidance, standards, discipline, hope and example, there is often just the opposite. Home has become not much more than a temporary filling station for many families. Respect for this divine institution has been undermined by many. The proverb, “Train up a child in the way that he should go ," is primarily directed to parents. “Fathers, provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord,” is the medicine needed (Ephesians 6:4). Children are learning to disrespect their parents and many times it is because the parents have not been respectable. Parents are too busy making money, reliving their own youth, and having a good time to be parents. The modern idea of motherhood is to have a career outside the home and leave the rearing of the children with somebody else. In most cases where there is trouble with children you will find mother was outside the home, being the “liberated and modern” woman, but one who has sacrificed her primary role for the paltry offering of a sinful world. Let all the society holler and cry that it does not make any difference, but the fruit produced shows otherwise.
Children learn disrespect for authority in the home. It carries into the school, against civil government, against God. Keeping the home is the noblest work of women and because that has been smeared in the minds of so many, the children suffer.

Solutions for youth problems

School and community have to play a vital role in overcoming the behavioral problems present among our teens in today’s scenario. 

School must have a professional educational counselor which is able to get on the root cause of the problems and offer corrective steps.

Problematic teens have to be counseled individually by educational counselor in the school or by family members. 

Parents counseling in the field of conditioning of teens like listening to teens ideas and welcome their opinion and if there is a problem with their viewpoints suggest corrective measures what is right or wrong can also be effective.

Teaching the teens about moral and ethical behavior which can be imparted only by giving religious talks and narrating the religious stories based on moral values.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Education system and family - a challenge that is being faced by youth

Education System
There is need for re-structuring of the education system, so as to minimize competition and rivalry and thereby reduce feelings of marginalisation and exclusion among low achievers. Also, there is need for reform of the curriculum so as to include universally desirable values that are necessary for producing well rounded, balanced and useful citizens.
Our present educational system has trivialized religious devotion and relativized moral commitment. Therefore, the youth of today does not have the moral guidance to be able to pursue the right course when faced with a moral dilemma.

The parents, consequently, have to assume an active role in the moral development of their children. They need to become fully involved at every stage in the child's mental growth until he/she attains maturity. This involvement includes learning to communicate with the younger generation through their books and reading materials. Also, there is need for constructive entertainment and personal involvement in the selection of the types of entertainment (whether at home or outside). This is very critical and almost inevitable since there is enormous pressure on the children from outside their home to participate in undesirable activities.

According to the Wall Street Journal (April 6, 1990), on the average American parents spend less than fifteen minutes a week in serious discussion with their children. American fathers spend an average of seventeen seconds per day of intimate contact with their children. In Trinidad and Tobago, the figures may not be significantly better. Let us ponder about the undesirable effects of this trend of parental non-involvement and the absence of suitable alternatives.

In closing, let us recognize that we have a serious challenge on our hands: to ensure that today’s children (tomorrow’s adults) would experience a better world than we are living in today. We should all work towards this objective and not wait for a crisis to occur and then react, let us be prepared.

In a Hurry

In a Hurry

Young people often are guilty of pushing life. It may not do much good to even mention it, but it is something young people need to recognize. Youths are always wanting to be older than they are. It is somewhat like adults wanting to be younger. Youths are impatient to “grow up.” They seem to think that everything worthwhile is for later life. Grass is always greener on the other side. This is not necessarily so. Each age of life has its blessings. Youths should give life all they can give it now in the days of youth and reap the harvest. Failing to get from life what is intended in youth will make adulthood less wonderful.
Youths are somewhat like green apples. If they are not allowed to ripen they will only be hard and bitter. You cannot push the maturing process too fast or it will backfire. Growth and development always takes time.
 Many parents and other adults are guilty of pushing the young into maturity before they are ready for it. They encourage early dating, clothing that is immodest, adult activities and privileges, structured and controlled activities to the extent the child does not have time nor opportunities to ever be a child. Young people are not small adults. They are young people. We should let them get the fullest from that period of life without trying to make them little adults before they are adults. They cannot successfully be little adults. We see ten and twelve year olds dressed like they were twenty-five. It is a mark of offense against the child and a manifestation of some stupidity of the adults responsible. We see teens keeping hours like they were already mature. Many havefreedoms and lacking guidance that only leads to their corruption. Then we wonder why some of them get frustrated with life and burned out on life before they have hardly entered adulthood. We can understand why some youths get bored with life so early. They have been forced to live it all before their time.


“The environment, without a doubt.” The people in power now borrowed the earth from their children – and now that’s us. Young people today will decide the world we live in tomorrow, and that means sustainable energy, ecologically friendly lifestyles, and living peacefully with our little blue planet! 

 "Time management is a huge issue for today’s youth.” Between school and work and studying and spending time with family and friends, most people have packed schedules. They’re expected to perform to the best of their abilities, and put effort into all that they do, but the truth is many teens today do a lot. If we can learn to prioritize and learn good time management skills, it’ll only help us in the future. Yes, it will be a challenge, but it’s a lifelong skill as well. 

The most important issue that young people today face is that we live in a drug-ruled world.” Now I’m not talking all about illegal drugs or even legal drugs that are being abused (although that is a large part of the problem). What I am talking about is ever since we were young if we got sick we went to the doctor and they gave us a drug. Every time we sneezed outdoors we got allergy drugs. There are drugs for almost anything that you could possibly need (or want). So now as our young people age and begin to make their own decisions about life they find it so easy just to get the drug for whatever they need. Whether it be sickness or wanting to perform their best in athletics, drugs just seem to be the answer. I’m not implying that everyone of us is going to become a drug addict, but what I am saying is that the temptation is there for us, we have the mind set, and all we need is one moment of stupid to drastically change our lives forever. 

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

how to get over with jealousy

Jealousy produces nothing but is a root cause for the relations being destroyed.The ways to get over with jealousy are enlisted below.


    • 1
      Admit to yourself that you are jealous, then write down the reasons you feel jealous toward someone. The first step in getting over your jealousy issues is to admit and identify your jealousy. Ask yourself what it is about someone that makes you jealous. Ask yourself what you can do to achieve the same hings in life the object of your jealousy has achieved.
    • 2
      Write a list of your positive attributes. Some people feel jealous of others because they don't have enough self-esteem or confidence in themselves. Low self-esteem can cause you to feel jealous of other people because it makes you believe you can never have what others have. Tell yourself how good you are. Don't be afraid to pat yourself on the back. Look at what you have in life and appreciate it.
    • 3
      Look at the object of your jealousy from another angle. Admire what he has and turn it into a positive influence. Tell yourself that you want the same thing and that you have the ability to go out and get it. Refer to your list of positive attributes about yourself and constantly tell yourself that you are capable of achieving your own goals.
    • 4
      Avoid stressing over those things you can't control. If you have a significant other you feel is looking at others, fall back on developing the confidence you are building in yourself. If you feel good about yourself, then you won't be as likely to get jealous when someone looks at your mate, because you will be confident in who you are. If your significant other is looking at others, tell yourself the problem lies with your significant other, not with you.

Ways to make yourself happy when you are sad...


    • 1
      Remember dreams come true only when you make them come true. Life is only one and you only get that life to make the best of it. if you are home alone, sitting in the sofa, get up, take a shower put on that red dress you love the most, or those shoes that you like, put on lipstick, make yourself look pretty. Feel pretty, because you are pretty, there is only one person like you, that's yourself.
    • 2
      Do your hair, do your nails, spray some perfume, the one you love the most, the one that make people go, ummmmmmmmmmmm, remembered?. Get on the internet and find out what is on at the movie for this week. But if you don't have money see what's on in New York City parks, every week during the summer time, new York City parks always have something excite to do.
    • 3
      The next thing to do, is to call your friends, invite them to go out with you to buy coffee, to talk, if they are too busy, don't worry go alone, and you will see that just because you look pretty someone will come to you and speak to you at the park. People who feel good about themselves make other people come to them and what to be with them. In this life nobody wants to be with someone who is negative and don't care about themselves.

social anxiety

Social Anxiety

Anyone who has ever stood in front of an audience -- on stage, in class or on the sports field -- knows the feeling of having butterflies in one's stomach. It's normal to feelnervous when you're in the spotlight. In most cases, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

For some people, however, the experience becomes progressively more difficult, due to an extreme fear of being judged or embarrassed. They may blush, get sweaty palms or shake, experience heart pounding, have difficulty breathing, and, in severe cases, experience a panic attack. As a result, they avoid or withdraw from any type of social encounter.

This condition, called social anxiety, is a commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorder among teens and adults, and it affects more than 10 million Americans. People with social anxiety are at a higher risk for depression, alcoholism and even thoughts of suicide. Fortunately, there are very effective ways to treat social anxiety through a combination of various therapies, medications and support groups.

If you or someone you know has experienced the signs or symptoms of social anxiety listed below, it is very important toget help. Talk to someone who cares -- your parents, school counselor or psychologist, or family physician.

Addiction - a social problem

Addictions are, or can become, mental illnesses in that an addict’s craving for some sort of drug or pleasurable activity is to some degree uncontrollable. The necessity to have whatever it is that addicts crave can prevent them from living normal lives. Of the many possible types of addiction, three are singled out for discussion in subsequent articles: drugs, alcohol and gambling. Alcohol is itself a drug but it is discussed separately because, although addiction to alcohol has features in common with addiction to other drugs, alcoholism is a special and common disorder in its own right. Alcohol is more easily available than most other drugs, and so alcoholism is a more widespread problem than drug addiction.
Adolescent problems with alcohol and other drugs are occurring at an earlier age than ever before. Children today commonly have their first alcohol drinking experience at 12 years of age, in contrast to 13 to 14 years of age in previous generations. Each year, an estimated 4.6 million adolescents of 14 to 17 years of age have alcohol-related problems such as poor school performance, trouble with their parents or criminal behavior and arrests. 

Recent research has shown that beer is now the drink of choice for many teenagers. Alcohol damages the health of teenagers as well as disturbing their behavior. Drinking and the after-effects of drinking impair concentration, learning and performance at skilled tasks, and induce irritability, hostility and aggression.